Monday, June 27, 2011

Here We Go -- AGAIN!

Who was it that ever said, "Third time's a charm"?

We are back in the hospital today for the scheduled two week staple removal and cast change.  Because of his age and some discomfort and fear he might experience, Aidan was scheduled to go back into the O.R. under general anesthesia to get these things done.  We are thankful for that.  I can't imagine having him be awake while getting his cast cut off, then trying to keep him still and stable while getting 15-plus staples removed, and then having him tolerate re-casting.  They say that there is a special spica cast table that they have to balance them on when they are placing this type of cast. I think anesthesia is a blessing for everyone involved at this point.

That having been said, Aidan had a much more difficult time coming out of anesthesia this time.  He was pre-medicated with Versed again to help him relax (something he didn't need on the 17th for the second rotation and casting because he still had the original I.V. in).  Because the procedure was fairly short, (about 45 minutes) the Versed was still working when he woke up.  Let's just say, Aidan on Versed pre-op--funny.  Aidan on Versed post-op--not at all funny!  He was more upset than either one of the other procedures by far.  In addition, he was a little nauseated and his leg was hurting.  They are so awesome here about getting right on top of all that, though.  The nurses worked really quickly together to get him the meds that he needed to help him start feeling better.  It still took quite a while to get back to being himself.

After working on this post in tiny bits all day (seriously, since before he went to the pre-op holding area!), we are finally home after a much longer than expected day.  We had a few difficulties taking care of some tight spots on his new cast as well as finishing off all of the edges before we left.  All-in-all today was a huge reminder of how easy our first six days were in the hospital.  Aidan did still get to go on some wagon rides that he was really looking forward to and also enjoyed playing with toys in the play areas both before and after the cast change.  Does it get better than that when you are two?  Oh, and he got to eat ice cream.  Twice!!!  Thanks for the tip Mason!   

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad it is going well all things considered! You guys are in our thoughts and prayers and we miss you very much!
